“Merge with people, iiMERGE with new business”

Project Scope

Branding & Identity

iiMERGE is a business matching platform where professionals can identify their target and schedule meetings. My logo design was inspired by the image of two people shaking hands – which formed the two “ii’s” . I also contributed to the ideation of the tagline “Merge with people, iiMERGE with new business”.

User Interface Design

The information architecture showcases two customer journeys for both new and existing users defined as business professionals and event attendees looking to network. A completely separate dashboard geared for event organizers allows them to publish and modify their event details as well as see who is attending their event.

Web App Design

In addition to designing the mobile app, I also designed the corresponding web app which has the same features. This served as a valuable tool for checking people in as they arrived at the meeting spots. Meeting reminder notifications were also generated and sent out 30 minutes prior to meeting times.

Marketing Material

Investor pitch deck, Facebook and Twitter pages, postcard flyers and a promotional video for iiMERGE showcasing the platform being implemented at Seeds & Chips – Global Food Innovation Summit.

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